Donate to PAL while you shop.

  • Amazon Wish List

    Shop on and have cat food, litter, bedding, and other supplies delivered directly to PAL. The cats in the café get excited when they see the delivery truck!

  • Smith's Food & Drug

    PALNV is part of Smith's Grocery Community Rewards Program. Click the button below to register our non-profit organization number EM630 on your rewards card. If you don't have a rewards card, you can sign up.
    Please Note: You have to re-register each year for PALNV to receive the Smith's donation.

  • Round-Ups

    Connect a credit card to round-up your purchases to the next dollar and donate your change, up to a maximum you set. Round-Up change from your card purchases accumulates and then is donated on the last day of the month.

  • Chewy Wish List

    Shop our Wish List on for our most-needed items and some of our cats’ favorites. Click below to donate Wish List items and have them shipped directly to our door.

  • Give Up to Give Back

    Choose something you normally purchase that you're willing to give up. Then choose how often and donate that amount instead.

  • Printable Wish List

    This list is from our cats at the Cat Café! They would like you to pick up some items for them when you go shopping.

  • iGive

    Over 2,000 Online Stores - including all your favorites! Use the iGive Button, shop online as you normally would, and help PAL every time you shop.